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What are the hazards that may exist in the vehicle's peculiar smell?
What is formaldehyde? Simply speaking, formaldehyde is a colorless, strongly irritation odorant, easily soluble in water, alcohol and ether. Formaldehyde is gaseous at normal temperature and usually occurs in aqueous solution. The familiar Formaldehyde Solution is formalin with a concentration of 35 to 40%. It is a protoplasmic poison that binds with protein. Synthetic resins, surfactants, plastics, rubber, leather and other materials, as well as disinfection, fumigation and anti-corrosion process, all use formaldehyde.

Benzene is a colorless, sweet transparent liquid at room temperature and has strong aroma. Combustible, high toxicity, is a carcinogenic substance. Through the skin and respiratory tract into the human body, the body is more difficult to degrade, because of its toxic, commonly used toluene instead, benzene is a kind of hydrocarbon is simple aromatics, benzene volatilization, is a widely used raw material in industry. High concentration benzene has an anesthetic effect on the central nervous system, which can cause acute poisoning. Long-term exposure to benzene can damage the hematopoietic system.
Toluene was similar to benzene. Inhalation of high toluene in a short time could show obvious irritation in the eye and upper respiratory tract, hyperemia of the conjunctiva and pharynx, dizziness, nausea, gait staggering, and blurred consciousness.
Inhalation of high concentration toluene or xylene can cause symptoms of central nervous system anesthesia in a short time. Xylene mainly comes from synthetic fiber, plastic, fuel, rubber and other materials, and paint, paint additives and adhesives, waterproof materials.
The peculiar smell inside the vehicle is one of the worries that all owners can't afford to ignore at present. The damage it brings to your family or family is unpredictable. For the sake of your family's health, you should pay attention to the clean air inside the car.